SWAN Meeting with Dr. Kastner: Leave-Behind Document- March 20, 2019

SWAN met with Dr. Kastner on March 20, 2019

Our discussion focused on the following three concerns:

  • Workforce Crisis
  • Implementation of Managed Care
  • Data Needs for System Health Assessment

Our leave-behind document is available here:

Final for Kastner March 20 2019

SWAN meeting with NYS Officials 9/22/18

SWAN meeting with NYS Officials  9/22/18

Our discussion focused on the following three concerns:

  • Workforce Crisis
  • Implementation of Managed Care
  • Data Needs for System Health Assessment

SEE ATTACHED MEETING MINUTES: SWAN October 2018 meeting with NYS Officials - final 11-12-18 (2)


New Commissioner of OPWDD Announced (1/4/19)


“Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced new appointments to his administration, including his nomination of Theodore Kastner as Commissioner of the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities. Dr. Kastner previously served as the founder and President of Developmental Disabilities Health Alliance, Inc., an integrated primary care mental health practice for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He was also the Director of the Rose F. Kennedy Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (RFK CERC) at Montefiore Medical Center and is Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine where he also holds the Ruth I. Gottesman Chair in Developmental Pediatrics. Dr. Kastner earned his M.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and earned a Master of Science in population health from the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Kastner is board-certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in Pediatrics, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and by the American Association for Physician Leadership as a Certified Physician Executive. Starting in 1976 as a Direct Support Professional with the Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, he has worked in the field for more than 40 years. ”


Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

SWAN Meeting with Paul Francis – 9/22/18 – Leave Behind Document

SWAN met with Paul Francis on October 22, 2018

Our discussion focused on the following three concerns:

  • Workforce Crisis
  • Implementation of Managed Care
  • Data Needs for System Health Assessment

Our leave-behind document is available here: Francis mtg leave behind FINAL3


SWAN Meeting With OPWDD Leadership – 9/17/18

SWAN Sept 17 mtg with OPWDD FINAL

Meeting Summary – 9/17/18

Attendees: OPWDD – Acting Commissioner Kerry Delaney,Kate Marley, Neil Mitchell, Greg Roberts, Leslie Fuld , Roger Bearden, Abiba Kindo

SWAN: Brad Pivar, Pat Curran, Meri Krassner, Elly Rufer, Fran Kermian*, Kathy Bunce*, Jim Karpe*, Barb DeLong, (*via video/teleconference)

Note: Action items are in bold for quick reference


Discussed the draft of NYS Medicaid Managed Care Organization I/DD System Transformation Requirements (SIP-PL) out for public comment. Kerry acknowledged our request for an extension on the time period and advised us that there would be a two-week extension that will announced formally shortly.   Further she emphasized that they will always take feedback regardless of published deadlines.


Kerry also shared that they are working on a simple summary presentation to educate families on the upcoming changes which would be posted to their website so families could see it. . She asked SWAN to gather what we think would be FAQ’s from a family or individual’s perspective as well as areas of concern so they can be addressed. Requested one-week turnaround which later was revised to ASAP. SWAN members forwarded their input to Greg Roberts directly.


The Coordinated Assessment Tool (CAS) was discussed. Many members of SWAN have had an opportunity to experience the CAS in the last 3 months. We shared our various experiences and Kerry indicated that the CAS leadership team in Albany absolutely needs to hear feedback from the experience and where the CAS failed to describe the person accurately. Furthermore, she heard us on the problem of amending the CAS and the need for a clear amendment process. It is unknown WHEN/IF the CAS is replacing the DDP-2. Further, she said the CAS was not intended to determine individual budgets but rather rate setting. ACTION: Kate/Diane will schedule a meeting with SWAN about the CAS.


CCO implementation was discussed. OPWDD acknowledged that they were aware of Medisked having issues but to their knowledge they indicated things were resolved. They understand there has been significant frustration and are meeting with CCOs weekly, however the Medisked issues have to be resolved between the CCO’s and the vendor directly.

In addition OPWDD acknowledged the pain families are experiencing with the requirement to change Care Manager based on Tier level. OPWDD indicated that they are working with the CCO’s to devise strategies to allow some flexibility with case load, team assignments, etc.

Discussion regarding the expectation of CCO’s evolving into MCO’s. OPWDD indicated it was hard to tell how it will evolve – their preference would be for providers to apply. They mentioned that CCO’s may incorporate into a different entity apply as well. They expect their will be three MCO’s.


Workgroups were discussed and SWAN’s disappointment that it appeared that all the work fell into a black hole. Kerry indicated that final drafts will go back to each workgroup. Further ALL drafts will go to all SWAN members. In the process of prioritizing them, they will be implementing those recommendations that do not have fiscal impact and then determining if there are funds to cover other recommendations. Kerry also indicated that all workgroup leads would be required to present the items to their workgroup. Tamika Black is Deputy Commissioner of Quality.

We discussed the ongoing workforce crisis and how desperate families and individuals are feeling. Kerry agreed and indicated that as a field, we need to come together to discuss how to make it better in a proactive fashion. Kerry will request Sharon to send the workforce report to Brad. (He will forward to SWAN). In addition, SWAN shared that Self Direction is in general, broken.


We talked about the various organizational changes and our concern that so much institutional knowledge is walking out the door. We further expressed our continued expectation that OPWDD remains as its own entity and not be swallowed up by DOH. Kerry indicated that it will continue as its own entity and that DOH is deferential to OPWDD’s experience.


Kerry suggested that we should have monthly teleconferences to insure communication channels are open. She will have Suzanne set them up and advise us and that they are very helpful in dealing with CMS.

SWAN asked Kerry who in DOH should we be reaching out to inform/educate/advocate with. Kerry will advise.





Dated: 9/24/18

MAPP Requests from SWAN – 3/11/18

Below is the MAPP Requests from SWAN submitted on 3/11/18

MAPP requests from SWAN
Underlying principles
We believe that everyone involved in the New York State Medicaid system has the common goal of delivering services as effectively and efficiently as possible. Our suggested improvements to the Medicaid Analytics Performance Platform (MAPP) will provide accurate reports on services used by people with disabilities which can have a direct positive impact on the quality and efficiency of the NYS Medicaid system.

Complete document below:

MAPP requests from SWAN – 031118